Emigration min. briefed on underway design of expatriates e-application

Minister of State for Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates’ Affairs Soha Gendi on Monday chaired a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to follow up on the underway design of an e-application dedicated for Egyptians abroad.
The meeting follows a previous meeting with Minister of Communications and Information Technology Amr Talaat to probe co-operation in upgrading the technological infrastructure of the Emigration Ministry as well activating its digitisation process, in order to ease contact with Egyptian expats, minister Gendi said in a statement issued by the Ministry of Emigration.
The e-application would highlight all privileges, incentives and services catering to the needs of Egyptians abroad, which are offered by different states bodies to promote bonds between the expats and their homeland, the minister said.
She added that the application may serve as a platform for promoting potential investment opportunities for Egyptian expats in their homeland.
Meanwhile, the meeting tackled the ways of encouraging Egyptians abroad to utilize state’s recently-adopted digital services to assist them with acquiring official documents through the Egypt’s Digital Gate by clicking on the following link: https://digital.gov.eg/.
Minister Gendi pointed out to the underway collaboration with bodies concerned to activate the electronic signature in order to grant Egyptian expats access to services that require a signature.