Speech by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi at Egyptian Woman’s Celebration

The President’s Speeches
“In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful”
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On the occasion of the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, May Allah bestow His blessings upon you all, I wish the great Egyptian people peace and security.
Honorable guests,
Our annual meeting is renewed today and so is happiness and pride to meet the great women of Egypt, women who are great with their strength, wisdom, patience, sacrifice, love of the homeland, and preservation of its identity and authenticity.
I begin my speech today by expressing my sincere greetings and appreciation to the Egyptian woman. To every woman, girl, mother, wife and daughter, I say: “May you be the source of pride for Egypt, the voice of conscience and the symbol of sacrifice and mercy, may you be the source of happiness, joy and support during hardships.”
The great women of Egypt,
My pride increases every year, as I witness achievements made by the Egyptian women across all fields. With pride, my conviction grows in the importance of continuing to promote women’s rights, being the right path towards establishing a healthy and balanced society based on justice and fairness, one that benefits from the potential of all its sons and daughters.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Women, in all their roles in society, have proven time after time that they are an endless source of support and awareness and a unique mixture of reason and heart, objectivity and emotions, making her a tremendous driving force for the nation during ordeals and hardships, before pleasant times.
As an Egyptian citizen concerned about the conditions of this country and its people, I sincerely tell you: “Egyptian women deserve better. They deserve that the state and society make every effort to provide appropriate conditions to preserve and promote their rights and activate their role in all fields.”
To continue the path of supporting Egyptian women, I direct the government to:
-Issue a decree to represent women in the boards of directors of public bodies, business sector companies and affiliated companies.
– Increase training activities for women with the aim of increasing the number of qualified women, to reach senior positions in the state.
– Expand training programs in the fields of technology and digitization with the aim of increasing women empowerment opportunities and their participation in job opportunities.
– Increase support for digital savings and loan projects, in the national project for the development of the Egyptian family, and various development programs by building women’s capacities, to implement small green projects and sustainable income-generating activities.
-Assign the government to support the legislative and institutional environment for women’s small and micro enterprises by facilitating the procedures of banking regulations.
– Stimulate women’s projects, and their involvement in the activities of industrial complexes, with the aim of enhancing women’s contribution to the localization of modern industry in Egypt.
-Follow-up on the equal pay index between genders and taking the necessary measures to ensure the sustainable improvement of this indicator.
-Protect working women and guarantee their rights in the draft of the labor law.
I also decided to issue a presidential pardon for all debtors, both men and women, who are serving sentences in reform and rehabilitation centers, and to release them before the holy month of Ramadan.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Egyptian woman has always been the key to every narrative, the source of giving, patience and endurance; an icon of persistence, determination, and success.
A homeland to this people, to these men and women, should not be feared for. I am confident that we will pursue the path of hope and the future, in the best way possible, God willing. Thank you all.
Wish you all and the great Egyptian women many happy returns.